I promissed to try to give a message which is showing the truth about whats happening here. I love children and i will never hate a child but i cant stop my self from blaming and hating these adults who gave their children this idea WRITTING POST CAREDS ON ROCKETS THAT ARE ABOUT TO KILL THEIR PEERS IN LEBANON.
i couldnt believe my eyes when i recieved this email days ago CAN YOU?
How can you claim that the child is writing messages to bomb another child? Are you at all aware that the child who is writing on the bomb, might be writing that if it had not been for Nasrallah(if you look, thats exactly what is written who the bomb is for) taking Lebanon hostage, the extremist taking Lebanon hostage, there would't have to be any bombs.
If the extremists and terrorist of Hezbollah choose to continue to use the Lebenese children as their pawns in a goal to destroy Israel, then the only way for the violence to stop is for civilians to take back Lebabon from the hands of the bloodthirsty Hezbollah terrorist.
Nobody wants to see dead children, in Beirut, Nazareth, Gaza City, Haifa or anywhere else, so please reject all forms of extremist elements in your society so that we don't have to endure this anymore.
Its more than enough but i would love to dedicate this song to you since you use the word terrorim alot:
Terrorism breathes the air I breathe.
It's the checkpoint on my way to school.
It's the curfew that jails me in my own home,
and the penalties of breaking that curfew rule.
Terrorism is the robbery of my land.
And the torture of my mother.
The imprisonment of my innocent father.
The bullet in my baby brother.
Just to be clear, I used the word "terrorism" only twice, just like you did in the song. The things you should look at more is not songs about terrorism, but rather how extremists have kidnapped normal citizens and civilians in the society that I know wants peace and to live a better life.
But rather than advocate for peace, those extremists clamp down your lives and instead of providing the infrastructure for your children, they spew rhetoric to young and old alike, to use extremist tactics. They tell your population to fight your neighbors instead of recognizing their right to existance and to live in peace.
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