long time
I was reading some of my old posts and reading the comments i got from you ppl and i think that im proud of this blog, and i hope to write more and more....
What i miss the most is my arguments with the israeli gentelmen who used to comment on my posts espeacially at the war time hehehe....they took the best of me .I wonder where are they now? was it enough for them to stand for their fake country at that time? do they really think that they were doing the right thing!
mmm and more importantly: what do they have in mind now...?
with all the problems facing their goverment, president and lately priminister and with all the facts that were revealed after the war about how war generals lead this country and how powerless its political leaders are.
What is it they want to prove now? ...what logic do they follow? I think that to live with their mistakes and inhuman deeds they have to refresh their excuses and to believe again in it...God be with them while doing that and God be with us while having to live under their occupation day by day!!!