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They just hate these trees!!!!

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Shame of Ertas 20.5.07

posted by eman
2:05 PM


Thursday, May 10, 2007

In your life you either meet a soldier or an israeli soldier !

Israeli soldiers beating peace activists (forign and isralei) in Hebron!

posted by eman
10:02 AM


Monday, March 19, 2007

When an American loved Palestine!

Rachel Corrie, a human rights activist, was killed when an Israeli military bulldozer driver deliberately ran over her
That driver !
she thought he would change his mind
she thought he had a heart!

On March 16, 2003, Rachel Corrie and seven other Internaitonal Solidarity Movement (ISM) activists were protesting Israeli house demolitions. Rachel stood in the bulldoze'rs path, but the Israeli Defence Forces driver did not stop. After crushing her, he then put the dozer into reverse, without lifting its blade, and dug the blade over and into her body again.
Three activists ran to her and began administering first-responder medical treatment . . . She said, "My back is broken!" but nothing else

Rachel Corrie, who was in a closed military zone and interfering with IDF operational activities, was killed by accident. The driver never saw her
that was the COLD Israeli reaction!!!!
No charges were filed against this young IDF driver.

posted by eman
1:45 PM


I love Italy

Saturday, March 10, 2007

That was in a soccer mach between the israeli team and the Italian

posted by eman
1:32 PM


Thursday, March 08, 2007

Our message to the world...ACTION

To whom it may concern, we are working on a campaign as arabic bloggers, and i'm interested in taking it to all people who read this blog.

Our campaign is for protecting the Aqsa mosque in the city of Jerusalem, from the Israeli occupation which is destroying and attacking this holly place on a daily basis. take alook at my previous posts

So we are starting to send this email to all the political and media figures and associations and institutions which can support us in stoping these aggressions

pliz read it and participate by sending this message to the addresses bellow, if you think this is a just cause!!

To the United Nations, Amnesty International and Red Crescent

To the Kings, Princes, Presidents, Leaders of the World, and all final authorities in the international issues

To all Human Rights World Organizations, Societies and Institutions

To all journalists and media professionals

To various Islamic and religious Organizations and to the clerics who always search for truth

To every Official in every part of the globe

To the whole world, we address this letter in which we demand our right to protect one of the most important religious and historical symbols, Al-Aqsa Mosque, which is being demolished and destroyed by the Israeli occupation forces without any intervention by the side of the authorities responsible for protecting the political and religious rights. The Palestinians are trying to defend Al-Aqsa alone and are exposed to gun shots, torture and killing because they are trying to practice their religious rights of performing their prayers in the mosque, and because they are trying to defend the most important place of worship in their country, history and religion.

Israel abuses all religions on daily basis and violates the sanctity of the religious shrines by digging around Al-Aqsa Mosque near to its bases. It also does not respect freedom of expression and practice of religious ceremonies by denying Palestinians and Muslims the access to Al-Aqsa mosque for prayers. These actions contradict the human rights laws and they stand against religion and principles of humanity and justice. They also contravene with Article 53 of 1977 Geneva Protocol I additional to the Geneva Convention of1949 which bans any acts of hostility directed against historic monuments, works of art or places of worship which constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of people, noting that Al-Aqsa Mosque is a sacred place for Muslims and one of the religious symbols and historical monuments that means a lot not only to Muslims and Palestinians but to the Arab Homeland, the World and Humanity.

In addition to all of the above, the Israeli aggressions against Al-Aqsa Mosque are considered as a war crime according to 1998 Statute of the International Criminal Court.
Thus, Israel violates all laws, charters, rights and conventions and commits war crimes before the eyes of everybody without reaction from any official or international organization to prevent such aggression, oppression and offence to religion, law, freedom and the whole world.

In this context, we demand every person in position of responsibility, every international organization, every satellite channel, every media professional, all those to whom this letter is addressed and all those who read it to immediately demand halting violations, destruction, demolition and digging of the scared sanctities in Al-Aqsa Mosque, and ensure access to it for worshippers to practice their right of worship and stop injustice done to the Palestinian people by the occupation forces that continue to torture and kill the Palestinian citizens.

An appeal to all Arab Leaders, We the Arab bloggers, would like to inform you that your complete silence toward the Zionist destructive acts in Al-Aqsa Mosque is another evident on your irresponsibility, your lack of fervency and the absence of affiliation and honor values. Thus the nation, in all its great stubborn members and believers, will never forgive your silence and feebleness. And, from now on, the history will never show any mercy toward whomever squander the Muslim and Arab rights. Your people, at their moment of anger, will sue you before you being sued by God.
We will never keep silent toward our rights. From here, we announce our campaign which will never stop until we achieve justice and equity in this world. Thus we the Arab Bloggers, will carry the Arab and Muslim voice. And we will adopt our causes by ourselves, inviting all the others to support us, and support the basic human right in guarding and protecting the religious, humanitarian and historical heritage without any negligence or weakness or falsification of truth. Let us take part in offering a better life for all where violence toward any one at any place or time is forbidden.

We will continue demanding all the addressees of these rights that we will never waive and we will be waiting for a conceptual and practical reply from all of you.

We thank you in advance for all what you will be doing in order to achieve justice, and we will present special thanks in our blogs to all those who take a step in response to our letter.

Please reply to:

Best Regards

Arab Bloggers

posted by eman
12:14 PM


Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Since 1949 the U.S. has given Israel a total of $83.205 billion. The interest costs borne by U.S. tax payers on behalf of Israel are $49.937 billion, thus making the total amount of aid given to Israel since 1949 $133.132 billion. This may mean that U.S. government has given more federal aid to the average Israeli citizen in a given year than it has given to the average American citizen!!!
I am angry when I see Israeli settlers from Hebron destroy improvements made to Shuhada Street with my tax money. Also, it angers me that my government is giving over $10 billion to a country that is more prosperous than most of the other countries in the world and uses much of its money for strengthening its military and the oppression of the Palestinian people.

by Tom Malthaner

posted by eman
1:48 PM


How can we spread this story?
How can we fight for justice in this world?
If you don't believe in God you can participate...
It's not only about religion and muslims...it's not even about Palestinians..
It's about any human being who believes in human rights

It's our right as human beings to have our holy beloved places save and away from this ugly occupation don't you think?

It's our right as human beings to protect our historical precious sites!

It's our right to protect our houses that we built yesterday....and those our grandfathers built thousands of years ago...

They are taking this right from us!

Anyone who want to take this story and write more about it i can help....


posted by eman
10:12 AM


Friday, December 22, 2006

Dig dig

Whats is your favourite holly place??

Name it?

Imagine that someday they tell you that another group of people are digging around and under this place!


The israeli government is covering and lying by pretending that it's not doing anything illegal under the ground in Al-Aqsa mosque area in Jerusalem while the truth is that they are building hoorible tunnels and aiming to open ahuge museum there !!!!!!!!!

It's history...real history that gives things its spirituality and Holiness. That's why every one can see our mosque (Al-Aqsa mosque) in Jerusalem....while you have to dig under the groung to creat your story.....your fake history !

To get the whole story visite this page !

posted by eman
9:55 AM