.....I thought ramadan already came months ago:
Sorry for not sending you a post to say HAPPY RAMADAN .....But after thinking:
the idea of not eating more than one meal per day is something we already do in Palestine so i thought that the only way i can feel ramadan and its spirituality is to do something else, dunno to waite to see what the people are going to do:
Every day on my way to college i see empty streets, i wonder where are they? the huge crowds in Rmallah who usually stop me from walking-running- to the next taxi!!!
In birzeit the avergae students are fasting, but many muslims are not, and most of those are doing it in public.....it's not a problem for me except for the times when it's just away to say i don't care and i don't respect your believes...
Going back home is more than a normal quit journy, after along tiring day full with classes and after minimizing the time for each class its getting a little bit easier, but stil i can't go to work in PYALARA because they limited the hours in ramadan, so i had more free time to walk in Ramallah every day at least trying to kill more time before its 5:30....Anyway since the beggining of ramadan i was searching for that thing that we call ( spirit of rmadan)...looking in streets, faces, shops, posters, everything......didn't find anything...all i found is people more confused, angrey, and of course hungrey...
Maybe i was waitting for a miracle... a big amount of happiness to fall above all the people's heads and i forgut that im one of those people and i was'nt that happy in ramadan as will....
Yes it's getting more and more different...ramadan is getting away from our hearts and affecting our stomaks more.......i shouldn't look at the sky for the answer, it's more than simple: it's not politics or economy that can make it better....it's TV.......just kidding:)
That's my question to you all: how can we feel the spirit of ramadan again?