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Monday, August 21, 2006

WHY?.... as articulated in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child'. Today massive numbers of Palestinian children are being arrested and detained by Israeli forces. In the first quarter of 2006 alone, some 350 children were arrested compared to around 700 child arrests in the whole of 2005. 8,000 Palestinian prisoners are currently detained by Israeli authorities, in prisons which major human rights organizations throughout the world.
According to a 2006 report from Amnesty International, many Palestinian prisoners 'face medical negligence, routine beatings, position torture and strip searches by Israeli prison authorities'. According to recent figures the Palestinian prison population includes 400 children and 100 women detainees...

posted by eman
7:27 AM


Blogger Karin said...

There is NO REASON under the sun why a CHILD would be arrested and even mistreated!!! Alone this idea makes me boil with fury ... how can people who commit these kind of most horrible and inhumane crime, even dare to DREAM about peace??
I knew about 300 children but EVERY SINGLE ONE is one too many!! The people who bear responsibility for this appalling condition do nothing but disgust me!

2:57 PM  
Blogger S H A R I F O said...

Israel has that sick manner of manupalating the truth..and of course in this situation, the lie israel used was so stupid, it says that those little children 10-14 years were part of armed groups threating the security of israel, C'mon!!...when will be that stone throuwn for a dream of justice and freedom will be so menace..!!
They lost the logic of humanity !

4:48 AM  
Blogger Abed. Hamdan said...

It's seems that I've missed things here..

I second Karin, this is completely unfair, and inacceptable.

la 7awla wala qowwata ella bellah

6:21 AM  
Blogger eman said...

you are all right it is terrible the idea of having this feeling that other kids and children are less than yours,,,that kind of racism is the easiest thing Israel feels and act accord.
thank you all

6:37 AM  

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